选择合适的工程专业的5个策略 - bwin体育大学-bwin体育


Picture of 选择合适的工程专业的5个策略

An engineering major is an interdisciplinary study of science and math along with a few business principles and strategies. 通用工程课程教学生如何:

  • 识别并找到问题的解决方案
  • 理解道德和职业责任
  • 设计和进行实验
  • 有效沟通


作为一名工程师,你必须终身致力于学习. 总会有新的产品和发展, 新的解决问题的方法或技术, 以及有利于职业发展的新技术.

工程是STEM术语中的“E”. (科学、技术和数学构成了这个缩写词的其余部分.) All of these fields share an emphasis on innovation, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving. 如果你在这些领域有很强的技能, 工程是一条很好的职业道路, 但是你仍然需要选择一个专业. If you are undecided on which engineering concentration is right for you, 让bwin体育来看看如何确定哪个适合你.

  1. 与工程专业人员交谈

有这么多浓度可供选择, 要把你的选择缩小到一两个是很困难的. You may have an easier time if you talk to someone who is already in the field. 毕竟,有谁比工程师更懂工程呢. Perhaps someone in your circle of friends and family is an engineering professional. 他们可能是回答你问题的理想人选. If not, maybe a friend or family member works at a company that employs engineers. 你也可以联系a 专业工程学会 或者当地雇主安排面试他们的专业人员.

One of the local college or university engineering professors can also answer your questions. Ideally, you want to talk to a professor at the college you plan to attend, but that’s not essential. 大学教授习惯于回答学生的问题, 所以,不要犹豫,伸出援手吧, 预约, 问他们任何你想问的问题.

  1. 做研究

You’ll need to decide early on which engineering concentration you want to pursue. It’s possible to switch but doing so may mean you’ll need to take additional classes which will delay your graduation date. Begin researching different types of engineering concentrations to avoid this potential problem.

Make a list of the types of engineering concentrations you are most interested in or have an aptitude towards. Then go online and do some research to see if those concentrations are a good fit for you.


当你阅读上述链接中的信息时, you may be introduced to engineering fields you didn’t even know existed.


  • 不同专业需要选修的课程
  • 他们需要学习的技能
  • 平均薪资
  • 不同的专业使他们能够从事的工作类型

有了这些信息, you’ll be better able to determine if a particular concentration lines up with your career goals and personal interests.

  1. 找与你感兴趣的专业相一致的工作

你一生中的大部分时间都在工作. 因此, finding the right engineering concentration – one that you’ll genuinely enjoy that allows you to accomplish all that God intends - is essential. 经常, your interests will lead you to choose a career that enables you to pursue God’s purpose for your life.

出于这个原因, 许多人倾向于一个工程利基而不是另一个, although there is a bit of overlap in the skills required for many types of engineering degrees. 也许你想改善人们的生活,并对 安全,设计和制造假肢. 或者是你所热衷的 设计和建造机器人. 或者你担心的是 bwin体育地球的健康,并希望使它成为一个更安全的居住地. Various interests and engineering concentrations correlate to different engineering majors.

  1. 复习你需要参加的课程

如果你知道你打算就读的学校, get a course catalog and look at the syllabus of the various engineering concentrations that interest you. Can you see yourself enjoying the classes and taking pleasure in learning the skills necessary to pursue a career in a certain engineering concentration?

考虑必修课和课程. 阅读课程简介. 接下来,想象一下参加必修课程. Do you picture yourself gaining the knowledge and enjoying the process of learning it?

You can also spend some time in the university bookstore perusing the textbooks you would use in some classes you might take.

  1. 和你的导师谈谈

Setting up a meeting to speak with your academic advisor is one of the most important steps you can make when choosing a major. An advisor can provide insight and wisdom that can help you determine which engineering concentration is right for you.

Come to your meeting with a list of the questions you want to ask the academic advisor. They may have limited time to spend with you and this will help make the most of it.


选择合适的工程专业可能很可怕. 你想确保你做出了正确的决定. 幸运的是,它不必那么可怕. If you’re undecided on a major, these steps will help determine which concentration is right for you. 和, 如果你后来因为任何原因改变了主意, 工程专业的许多课程是重叠的. 因此, completed coursework may still apply towards the new engineering concentration.

Geneva is only one of fifteen Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in the nation that offers ABET-accredited engineering programs. 为学生提供学术优势和有竞争力的职业, Geneva may be the best engineering school in Pennsylvania with benefits like these:

  • Programs where students work with governmental and industrial organizations
  • 参加全国比赛
  • bwin体育毕业生的就业安置记录非常好


bwin体育提供很多 集中涵盖广泛的兴趣. For more information on how bwin体育大学 can help you pursue your career goals, bwin体育:855-979-5563或 web@shadleysoapstone.com.

Opinions expressed in the bwin体育的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The bwin体育的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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